So this blog is apparently also run by a Derek Rose ... one that has a lot better design sense than I do. Huh. He also has an an Ass of the Week feature... hmm... one way to keep driving visitors back to one's site.
Apparently he's from Tennessee:
My name is Derek Rose, I live in Chattanooga, TN with my wife Jenee’ and our two dogs Max and Rye. I’ve been interested in web design for about 5 years, and have been designing “professionally” for about 2 and a half years. My web design company is called Sokt Design and is virtually unpronouncable by anyone that tries. (The correct pronunciation is “Soaked”) I work full time at The Plaque Shack, a trophy company in Chattanooga, where I lay out plaques, trophies, etc., and also design and maintain web sites selling our products online.
When I saw the title of theFive Reasons I Like Opera post I was thinking he'd turn out to be really cultured as well, but it's about the Internet browser...
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