How about this for a powerful, well-written column?
From the U.K. Mirror:
Tony Blair fooled me. He told us we were fighting for freedom, democracy and national security in Iraq.
I see now that it was all a pack of lies.
While this newspaper took an anti-war stance on Iraq, this column - to my eternal shame - acted as a craven cheerleader to Tony Blair and his grotesque, misbegotten military adventure.
And now 16,270 Iraqis are dead. There are 1,203 British and American servicemen who have given their lives for a cause that was not worth dying for.
There is an ever-growing mountain of misery - little Ali Abbas with his arms blown off in a US air strike and the thousands of unknown maimed children like him - and a loathing for this country in the Arab world that will last for a thousand years.
The column has a great kicker, but I don't want to spoil it for anyone...
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