Tuesday, September 14, 2004

So John Kerry has lately:

  • mispronounced the name of Green Bay Packers stadium Lambeau Field as "Lambert Field" during a visit to Green Bay.
  • claimed his favorite Red Sox player was "Manny Ortez." (We do have a Manny Ramirez and a David Ortiz, but no Manny Ortez.)
  • claimed the Red Sox were 2 1/2 games behind the Yankees when we were 3 1/2 games back.
  • Told a Wisconsin audience he enjoyed hunting deer "with my trusty 12-gauge double-barrel, crawl around on my stomach... That's hunting." Only, no one hunts deer on their stomach, that's ridiculous. They either walk stealthily or sit in a tree.

Okay, Bush makes a lot of misstatements too, sometimes about more serious things. But if you pretend to be a fan when you're not a fan ... you come across as kinda phony. Get with it John!


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